is launched

We are happy to inform our readers that SEP – Left has launched its website

As you already know, the website of the SEP – Left;; which was built as its communication medium, and maintained until last July by our group, has been hijacked by lawyer Sanjaya Wilson, who defected from the group. We assure all friends who helped us to build the previous website, that no obstacle can stop our struggle for socialist culture.

Today, humanity is facing grave dangers that challenge its very existence. That includes the danger of a massive disaster of a nuclear war that challenges the entire existence of life on earth, an environmental disaster that is extremely destructive and is on the verge of rising to an irreversible level, various viral infections with Covid – 19 epidemic at the forefront challenging the qualitative existence of human life on the face of the earth and many other deadly impacts. The root cause of all this is the intense crisis of the profit-based production system unfolding all over our planet today. In other words, the crisis manifests itself in the contradictions of outmoded nation-state system that dominates globalized production. Marxism is the science that derives the way out of the crisis by providing the basis for the analysis of existing conditions.

Marxism is today facing constant attacks and distortions by pseudo-left, trade union bureaucracy and revisionists. Without consciously developing a Marxist culture against those distortions and attacks, there will be no escape from the criminal destruction that humanity is facing today. There is only one organization in the world dedicated to this task. That is the International Committee of the Fourth International. Our task is to carry forward the struggle we waged as members of this world party, against the retreats and deviations manifested in its Sri Lankan section. Although our group was undemocratically expelled from the party by the party leadership, we continue our fight under the guidance of the International Committee, bound to its international program and on the basis of the political and historical foundations of the Sri Lankan section, to build perspectives, and to train cadres to follow the international revolutionary program of the International Committee, relentlessly and tirelessly against all obstacles. This website will constantly be dedicated to expose every obstacle we experience in the course of this fight to their core, and thereby bringing clarity to the movement of the working class and oppressed masses for the coming class struggles. It is ready to fight unapologetically and uncompromisingly against any obstacle that comes our way in the face of that endeavor.

A comprehensive explanation in this regard will be made in the series of articles to be published on the principles. It will declare and clarify what principles we stand for. We believe that by following the articles, you will understand why you should continue to stay with us and support that struggle. However, we would like to let you know that our website is not a substitute for the World Socialist Web Site, but a close ally and a fighting comrade that receives its guidance.

We welcome your comments and arguments about our analysis.